The Dark Angels are a come and go crew. They create then disappear like street art. Their works exist in fragments, particles that float, dust motes that spin before the wind that blows them to faraway places. They are individuals that work as one. Deep as oceans, as impenetrable as the night. Art urchins and poets, they dissolve before they form. They are the Dark Angels, they are discharge. They are a bloody mouthful.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Humble he say woebegone and ferrimont. This lacklustre whirl is not of my calibre. I’d rather crunch thy mutton peg than dress as fark fiddle. But blessed be that fruit that begs to drain its juice. And so would I were it not for that rattle and thrust of the viper cones which bustle like buckets in the wheelspin of daydreams.
It were her orgasms that did the plunder. oh the thunder of her passing was a distant daze on the dreary days. For all I know, she said, it could have been me.


Ruela said...

Orgasmic Birth...

peet said...

"...oh the thunder of her

like addition to
the rest.

Oilsforfun said...

love your fruity juices