The Dark Angels are a come and go crew. They create then disappear like street art. Their works exist in fragments, particles that float, dust motes that spin before the wind that blows them to faraway places. They are individuals that work as one. Deep as oceans, as impenetrable as the night. Art urchins and poets, they dissolve before they form. They are the Dark Angels, they are discharge. They are a bloody mouthful.

Sunday 17 April 2011

La place des choses

Nous arborons les langueurs, la raillerie,
les vents contraires à nos habitudes.
Nous limitons nos sens à la vue.
Nous avons l'avantage de l'âge et le sourire des damnés.
Nous effaçons les traces et l'impuissance de nos rêves.
Nous comptons les jours qui nous séparent.
Nous prenons nos distances,
puis gavons de mentons le plus de mains versées.
Nous armons nos défenses.
Nous glissons dans l'herbe devenue mauvaise.
Nous accrochons aux branches le caillot de nos nuits.


Anonymous said...

via Google translate:

"We have the advantage of age and the smile of the damned."

That's the line that won me over. And now the whole piece resonates with me. Well done.

Ruela said...

"We count the days that separate us."


Laurent Fièvre said...

Thank you guys !

Oilsforfun said...
